Welcome to our webpage. The 85 Ragchew Net happens every Tuesday Night at 7 pm Eastern on the WB2KAO repeater in the Rochester area on 444.85 mHz +5 mHz offset. You may also log into the net via the following nodes. Allstar Node 45140 and Echolink Node 78007.

We also have a presence on DMR; TGIF TG 95641. This is connected to the WB2KAO repeater. On FreeDMR TG 95641 is open for use by everyone for qso and not connected to any additional nodes. You may access this by connecting to Allstar node 420670 as well.

WB2KAO Repeater is located on the WARM 101.3 tower in the city of Rochester, NY. It is the home of the WB2KAO 85 Ragchew Net.

Frequency——–444.85+ PL 110.9

Allstar Node—-45140

Echolink Node—-78007